Thursday 30 January 2014

Working through the breath

Find that sacred place, position and moment. And before you begin I’d suggest either finding a voice recorder or a friend with a gentle voice to read the following out for you because you are meant to have your eyes closed for this practice. Or if you have a wonderful memory you can do this all by your very self.

Start with your hands in prayer at your heart centre.
Repeat in your mind “I am here in this moment: relaxed, centred and free”
Place your hands on your knees if you are sitting up or leave them by your sides with your palms facing the sky
Get comfortable and sink into the grounding floor beneath you
Close your eyes
Focus all your attention on your fleeting thoughts, don’t make any effort to change them or erase them. Let them be and watch them pass by like a roll of film.
Let go of all these thoughts and let your body sink into the floor a little more.
Be aware of your breath, don’t try to change it. Just be aware of the beautiful feeling of inhaling fresh air. Feel all your muscles begin to relax as you exhale – releasing any tension, whether it is physical, emotional or psychological.
Let your breath deepen, filling your lungs. And with each exhale you release an individual thought or feeling that has buried itself deep inside of you.
You are free.
Sit in this moment for a while, feel your body be light and filled with love. (Give yourself at the very least 2 minutes here)
Repeat in your mind,
“I am free from negativity
“I am an image of love
“All is well in my world.”
Raise your hands to heart centre and thank yourself for giving yourself this time.
Remember that you need to give yourself attention and love each and every day to grow and move in the right direction.
As you ever so slowly open your eyes focus on this blissful feeling. Let it sit in your heart.
If you feel that your thoughts crash back into your mind like a tsunami, take 3 deep breaths (or more) with eyes open.

Thank you for listening/reading, I love you.

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